What is just over the hill

by Jeff Folger
What is just over the hill
Jeff Folger
Photograph - Digital Photography
What is just over the hill? Travel down a dirt path and it winds up through the trees, almost into the deep blue sky itself. Some trees are still turning from their shades of summer greens over to their festive Massachusetts fall colors while others are at their fullest intensity of autumn colors. This is the way of New England fall colors. Some trees turn early and others later, rarely do they all turn together and this provides all the shades of a rainbow and then some. The green helps to anchor the bright orange and yellows and a subtle red acts to set off the rest with what might be. What is just over the hill? Slip on your boots and come take a walk with me to find out!
Travel through Peabody Massachusetts to find this hidden gem of a scenic drive. It runs right down the middle of the Salem Golf Course and is hidden from all, except for those that use it as a short cut to Route 1.
June 19th, 2014