The Salem Witch House

by Jeff Folger
The Salem Witch House
Jeff Folger
Photograph - Art Creations
You can find this in my 2020 calendar and it is always popular by my fans of Salem.
Judge John Hathorne was one of the most vocal participants during the Salem witchcraft trials. In February of 1692, he agreed with the other magistrates that the hand of the devil was taking hold in Salem. Jonathan Corwin was a local magistrate and civic leader, who was called upon to judge those who others claimed were witches. My ancestor, Bathsheba Pope was a witch accusor in Salem at this time and according to the transcripts she doffs her shoe and threw it at Martha Corey, hitting her on the ear. This was after she threw her fur muff and it fell short of the mark. So you might say I have more than a passing interest in the Salem Witch Trials
July 25th, 2019