Woodstock Inn and resort
by Jeff Folger
Woodstock Inn and resort
Jeff Folger
Photograph - Art Creations
Starting back in 1793 as a tavern it grew over the years till the Rockefeller's owned it. Finially it becasme this resort with elegant taste. Just in fornt of it you will fine that Route 4 comes in from Quechee Vermont and cuts through the middle of the dowtown. One the other side of the businesses and homes along the north side of Route 4 you will find the Ottauquechee River. As you leave on Route 4 to the west you are leaving this crossroad of the Vermont Scenic Byway and heading towards Killington and Rutland Vermont. Read my blog on jeff-foliage.com to find out more about Route 106 to the South of Woodstock and River road and cloudland road to the north.
November 29th, 2017