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Blurring the line between pure photography images and tradional Art

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Sell Art Online I've slipped from pure photography to something that blurs the mediums. I like to create paintings from my photography... Especially when folks come to FAA for art.
Now, you may say I'm gone over to the dark side, or you may ask, why would I do that to a perfectly good photograph? I'm not sure what the "right" answer is to that. But I like to see where my photographic expression can go and what I can create.
Maybe it's all about the commercial side of things and being able to create a painting from a photograph to appeal to somebody who's looking for a painting… I'm not sure if that's truly my motivation, I think it's more about my inner artist trying to express himself.
Either way, I would love to hear from you on this subject, what do you think of the image? Are you a purist and don't believe in blurring the lines to see what can be created or just the opposite a devil may care who doesn't care what boundaries we break.
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I'm not a traditionalist or classically trained at a school. I was basically given the camera when I was young and shown how to use it and I've been on my own ever since. Maybe if I'd gone to a fine arts school and gotten a degree. I'd be more of a purist, but that's a different road, I didn't take.

If anybody looks at this blog which I'm not sure at this point anybody does I would love to hear from you on these different viewpoints.

Jeff Folger